Avid collectors will no longer have to worry about fake collectibles. This was what the CEO and co-founder of Toki , the country’s first and leading social commerce platform for collectibles, said in a gathering of reporters last July. Frederic Levy , Toki’s CEO and co-founder, acknowledged that Pinoy collectors have always been concerned about the authenticity of collectibles.

“The first benefit [of] buying on Toki is, you know what you buy, you know who you buy it from, your show is authentic. And if there is any issue, you have someone to talk to,” he said to reporters. Levy also said that he understands collectors who will “never compromise on authenticity” because it’s their “collection.

” Zoe Ocampo , Toki’s co-founder and chief product officer, reiterated that “trust” is the “number one kind of value proposition” they bring to their users. “The first is that, we vet every seller that goes into our platform. So, a seller, for example, pretending to be someone else, hindi ‘yan makakalusot sa amin.

Because we check the identity, the quality of every seller, and to some extent, we actually go to the shop or go to the house of the seller to see,” she said. Ocampo added that they are not like any other marketplace where people “get so many sellers right away.” “Our approach is, we only get a limited set of sellers to start with, but we can guarantee our user base that these are legitimate sellers.

And on top of that, we know this becaus.