NEW YORK , Aug. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NMG Holding Company, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and The Neiman Marcus Group LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (together, the " Issuers "), today announced that they are extending to 5:00 P.

M. , New York City time, on August 27, 2024 (unless further extended) the Early Tender Date and Withdrawal Deadline (each as defined in the Exchange Offering Memorandum) in the Issuers' previously announced offer to exchange (the " Exchange Offer ") any and all of the Issuers' outstanding 7.125% Senior Secured Notes due 2026 (the " Old Notes ") held by Eligible Holders (as defined below) for newly issued 8.

500% Senior Secured Notes due 2028 (the " Exchange Notes " and the issuance thereof, the " Exchange Notes Issuance ") to be issued by the Issuers and guaranteed by existing and future wholly-owned domestic subsidiaries of the Issuers and cash, as set forth in, and upon the terms and subject to the conditions of, the confidential offering memorandum and consent solicitation statement, dated August 13, 2024 (as supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the " Exchange Offering Memorandum "). The Expiration Date (as defined in the Exchange Offering Memorandum) is unchanged and remains 5:00 P.M.

, New York City time, on September 11, 2024 . In addition, the Issuers announced a change to the definition of the Special Mandatory Redemption Price (as defined in the Exchange Offering Memorandum) to, if the Merger (as defined in the Exc.