One Percent International Management Services Limited has announced plans to launch a stage play series titled ‘The Beauty of a People: Nma Oha’, on October 1, at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja. ‘Nma Oha’ is the first in a thrilling series of stage plays tagged ‘Beauty of a People’ aimed at showcasing Nigeria’s rich and diverse cultural heritage. As the first of the series, ‘Nma Oha’ which translates to ‘Beauty of a People’ will showcase and celebrate the richness of Igbo customs and traditions while fostering peace, unity and development among all Igbo people.

Speaking at the press conference, producer, ‘Nma Oha’ and CEO of Rivers of Water (ROW) Productions, Mr Patrick Otoro described ‘The Beauty of a People’ as a cultural export that allows audiences within and outside Nigeria appreciate the peculiar traditions, languages and stories that defines each community. Each performance of the series delves into the distinct customs, folklore, music and dance associated with different Nigerian ethnic groups, painting a vivid image of the nation’s multifaceted identity. ‘Nma Oha’, Otoro said explores the significance of communal ties, traditional practices, and the resilience of the Igbo spirit in the face of modern challenges.

On his part, lead actor in the play, Francis Duru noted that the narrative is brought to life by a talented cast whose performances highlight the nuances of Igbo customs – from marriage rituals to communal festivals. A.