Friday, August 30, 2024 Tourism in Northern Ireland has made a strong recovery, with 2023 figures indicating that tourist visits have exceeded pre-pandemic levels. Official data suggests that there were approximately 5.4 million trips to the region in 2023, generating a revenue of £1.

2 billion. This marks a significant increase compared to 2019, which saw 5.3 million trips and £1 billion in revenue.

The tourism sector, which faced a severe downturn during the pandemic due to restrictions on air travel and public health measures, has shown remarkable resilience. The full impact of the pandemic on tourism statistics is challenging to measure, as the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (Nisra) faced difficulties in collecting accurate data during this period. However, alternative data sources, such as cruise ship visits, indicate that the recovery was already underway by 2022 and continued strongly into 2023.

Businesses along the north coast, such as The Salthouse Hotel, have reported sustained visitor numbers despite unfavorable weather conditions this summer. The Old Bushmills Distillery, a popular tourist attraction, recorded over 1,000 visitors per day, an increase of more than 20% compared to the previous year. Master Distiller Colum Egan expressed his excitement for 2024, noting the positive turnout despite the weather challenges.

Carl McGarrity, director of The Salthouse Hotel in Ballycastle, highlighted the impact of events like the Red Bull Cliff Diving Ch.