Nita Ambani , along with her family, graced the launch of NMACC Arts Cafe in Mumbai on Saturday. While the high-profile event was attended by several Bollywood celebrities, Nita's look was truly one for the books. Known for her love of luxury wear, the diva often dons exquisite pieces paired with opulent jewels.

For this latest appearance, she ditched glam and glitz in favour of a more graceful look in a top and pants combo. But that doesn't mean it lacked luxury! Let's decode her look and take some style notes. (Also read: Nita Ambani shows up in style at WPL auction in stylish pink blazer and bag that could buy you a car! See the price tag ) Nita Ambani rocks classic white and black combo Nita wore a chic white silk top with a neckline adorned with a large bow collar, exuding elegance.

The top featured a classic fit with full sleeves, adding a touch of sophistication. She paired it with black straight-fit trousers, proving that the classic black-and-white combination is a style choice that never goes out of fashion. A post shared by EatTweetBlog (@eattweetblog) What is the price of her top? If you loved Nita's top and are wondering how much it costs, get ready to be surprised! The price tag might just make your jaw drop.

It's from the shelves of the luxury brand Celine and comes with a hefty price of $1,395, which is equivalent to approximately ₹ 1,18,715. Nita Ambani's look is never complete without her signature opulent jewellery. She accessorised her outfit with a pair.