A reader explains why the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S have convinced him to give up both next gen replacements in favour of a PC. I can’t say I’ve ever paid much attention to Gamescom before, but this week certainly had quite the milestone moment : the point at which Xbox officially gave up being a console maker and went third party. The first time that’s happened in the games industry since the Dreamcast in 2001.

Of course, Microsoft didn’t present it that way but I’m honestly not sure what they thought they were doing, by announcing the release date of Indiana Jones And The Great Circle on Xbox and PC, and then immediately saying it’ll come to PlayStation 5 a few months later. So incompetent has Microsoft seemed lately I’m not even sure they realised what a huge mistake that was, since it immediately removed any reason for PlayStation 5 owners to want to get an Xbox Series X/S. I’ve heard some suggest they’re looking for a quick way out of making consoles, while still saving face, but looking like an idiot in front of the whole world, and announcing you’re working on a next gen console before Sony does, sure doesn’t sound like that to me.

I’ll be honest though; I’m not really interested in what Xbox does. I haven’t bought one of their consoles since the Xbox 360 and all they’ve been doing the last two generations is proving I was right to ignore them. PlayStation is a more difficult issue because while they’ve also been on the stupid sauce this g.