Director Ningaraju is all set to direct , a children's film. He is set to make a meaningful contribution to children’s cinema, reminding audiences of the power of knowledge and courage in overcoming societal challenges. The film, produced by Ravichandra and Bhimaraj, is set to begin filming in October.

Starring Ningaraju's son, Sharath, this inspiring story centers around a 12-year-old boy who courageously challenges the superstitions that affect his village. The film showcases the struggles of this young boy as he seeks to raise awareness about the deep-rooted beliefs in his community. Through his wisdom and bravery, he earns the respect of those around him.

The film’s music, composed by Aniruddha Shastri, promises to add a delightful touch to this captivating adventure while addressing important social issues that resonate with many. Filming locations have been carefully chosen for their natural beauty, including the scenic areas of Chitradurga, Chandavalli, and Nandi Hill station. The talented cast also includes Master Sarath, along with Master Ghanshyam, Baby Jayalalitha, Master Anjan, Balaram, MV Samay, Jyoti Marur, and Dr Ishwar Nagnath.
