Watch more of our videos on Shots! and live on Freeview channel 276 The poor lad suffered head and facial injuries and had a pain in his hip after taking a tumble at Cardingmill Valley, in Church Stretton , on Sunday evening. A crew from >Church Stretton Fire Station joined West Midlands Ambulance Service at the scene at 6.40pm.

A spokesperson for the fire station said the nine-year-old boy had "fallen down the hillside suffering with head and facial injuries and pain in his hip". They added: "We then put him on a stretcher and carried him down and back to the ambulance where he was checked over and taken to hospital for further checks." The family of the young lad told the fire crew that they actually live next door to a fire station but never thought they would ever need their help.

They added that the boy was very brave. "He was a good, brave young lad who was going to tell his mates when he goes back to school," the spokesprson said, added that they hope he gets better and is back on his feet soon. The crews sent their incident stop message at 7.
