Many people experience symptoms of migraine during the rainy season due to changes in the atmospheric pressure, weather and an increase in humidity. This is because environmental changes cause an imbalance of brain chemicals and increase and decrease neurotransmitters such as serotonin. But here are some ways to control these headaches that occur during the monsoon.

1) Stay hydrated Dehydration can trigger migraines. So, one must always stay hydrated. A person must drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water every day.

Caffeinated and sugary drinks should be avoided as they lead to further dehydration. 2) Ensure proper sleep Irregular sleep can also cause migraine headaches. Try to sleep for at least seven to nine hours every night.

Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day will also maintain a regular sleep pattern. 3) Stress management Managing stress can reduce the severity and frequency of migraine. Practice stress-relieving techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga.

Regular exercise can also reduce stress. 4) Prepare for weather changes It is essential to monitor and prepare for weather changes such as differences in atmospheric pressure and humidity. When there is a sudden change in weather, it is important to spend as much time as possible indoors.

5) Pay attention to diet Certain foods may trigger migraine. These foods should be identified and avoided. Processed food, cheese, chocolate, caffeine, and alcohol trigger migraines in many people.
