As Israelis await the threatened attack from Iran and its proxies in retaliation for the assassination of , many worry about American military support. Still, a whole lot of Israeli women are concerned about a very different kind of support and wonder: Should they wear their bras to sleep? For those who haven’t had the experience of running to a at a moment’s notice when a siren sounds, announcing that missiles or rockets from an enemy are headed your way, it’s essential to understand that here in Israel, you have between 90-15 seconds to make it to safety, depending on where you live. There's not a lot of time to get yourself looking presentable.

Some Israelis have a safe room right in their apartments, so for them, it is not an issue, but those in older buildings tend to have to flee to a communal building bomb shelter or take cover on the stairs. In these cases, you come face to face with all your neighbors, and you may not want to let it all hang out with the people you see in the corridor daily. The subject has been much discussed on social media, with typical Israeli black humor.

A recent report on the Keshet 12 News about Israeli preparedness for the war referenced a Facebook debate in which one Tel Aviv woman posted a photo of IDF spokesman with the words, “A full briefing by the IDF spokesman and he didn’t say the most important thing: Yes bra or no bra?” Dozens responded, with one expressing the general sentiment, which was overwhelmingly anti-bra: “If.