Experiencing nighttime anxiety can disrupt your sleep and leave you feeling restless and drained. Here are 6 proven tips that can help you achieve restful night. Published: August 19, 2024 1:12 PM IST By Edited by Nighttime anxiety refers to the feelings of worry, stress, or fear that intensify during the evening and can impact your ability to fall asleep or stay sleep.

Unlike daytime anxiety, which shows up during your daily activites and interactions, nighttime anxiety tends to surface when the day’s distractions fade and you’re left alone with your thoughts. You may experience racing thoughts, restlessness, difficulty in falling asleep, insomnia etc. If you’re finding it challenging to quiet your mind and drift off peacefully, you’re not alone.

Fortunately, there are few strategies designed to help manage anxiety and promote a restful night’s sleep. 6 Tips to Manage Nighttime Anxiety For breaking news and live news updates, like us on or follow us on and . Read more on Latest on .
