Monday, August 19, 2024 President Bola Ahmed Tinubu recently formally expressed his unwavering support for the Ipada Initiative and the Ipada Carnival . These are both ground breaking projects championed by Motherland Beckons in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Tourism. These initiatives represent a pivotal advancement in Nigeria’s efforts to enhance tourism and foster a deeper connection between Africa and the global diaspora.

The Ipada Initiative is set to redefine the narrative of cultural heritage tourism by promoting a “return to Africa” among people of African descent and enthusiasts of African culture worldwide. The city of Lagos, Nigeria’s economic hub is envisioned as the gateway through which this initiative will propel the growth of the African tourism industry. It is drawing visitors from across the globe to experience the continent’s rich history and vibrant culture.

At the heart of the Ipada Initiative is a profound cultural pilgrimage that offers tourists, particularly those from the Americas and the Caribbean, an opportunity to explore their ancestral roots. Under the evocative theme “From Slave Ships to Cruise Ships,” this journey allows participants to retrace the historic routes taken by their forebears during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. What was once a symbol of oppression is now transformed into a luxurious and reflective experience, highlighting the resilience and enduring spirit of the African diaspora.

In his letter of endor.