It is pretty much easy! It is all about establishing in your mind where you are, where you were and where you want to be, and working towards it and also surrounding yourself with people carrying the same the same vision, whether young or old. You have to constantly learn and keep engaging with your immediate environment to understand its needs and understand how you can be a solution provider to the challenges of your environment. As a student, I always wanted to do a business of my own and also be a voice of the people, not of the voiceless because everybody has a voice.

When I was at IBBUL, I was not qualified to run for the Students’ Union president, but my closest friend was and I supported him to run. I was always in touch with the leadership of the Students’ Union. I only will say what I have done, if I want to be honest.

Nonetheless, I have impactful initiatives that we have run, currently running and want to run. Among them is climate action and mental health. The climate action initiative include tree-planting; I made a commitment to the United Nations that we are going to plant five billion trees by 2030, and we have commenced as a means of climate action that we have undertaken across Africa.

I personally supervised the planting of trees in Zimbabwe, Swaziland, South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, and we are planting in Nigeria this August in Delta state. In Nigeria, we have so far planted more than 50, 000 trees. One of the initiatives we are working with is from I.