Nigel McGuinness recently discussed his favorite person to call matches for in AEW, a laxative-related rib he was put through and more. McGuinness spoke with The Daily Star in the UK and you can see a couple of highlights below: On being ranked the #1 commentator by PWI: “I didn’t even know they ranked commentators to be perfectly honest with you. Anytime someone thinks you’re good at what you’re doing is a good day.

We all grew up with PWI, went down the newspaper shop to get the latest copy. I always remember, it was 2009, I was ranked number six in the world [as a wrestler], and that was wow. Its funny, we talk about that and there is a sense of realism because they [PWI] are not paid to say anybody is particularly good.

You work at WWE, it’s a WWE magazine, well, you know. Whereas that seemed to be more objective and so to be considered number six in the world, certainly when Bryan Danielson was ranked number 23 in the world that same year..

. clearly you’ve got to think someone was very lucky.” On being ribbed with laxatives: “The one I really remember.

.. when I started wrestling for Brian Dixon, there was one of the young kids on the show – Kid Pilchard – he would always put laxative in my protein shake.

He’d always swear blind he didn’t do it and I always knew he did. Brian Dixon was a fantastic promoter and without him I wouldn’t be anywhere I am today but he was quite frugal, for want of a better phrase, and when you’re starting out you’r.