Nicole Tuxford was raped and murdered in her Christchurch home on 7 April 2018, seven years after Paul Tainui was released from jail. Photo: Supplied Warning: The content of this story may be distressing to some readers Paul Tainui was showered with kindness and repaid it by brutally raping and murdering two young women. The criminal pscyhopath's actions also directly contributed to a third death - the father of one of his victims.

Coronial findings released on Wednesday showed Tainui - who was born Paul Wilson - misled and lied to those trying to help him reintegrate into society, following more than 16 years behind bars. Tainui was jailed after raping and murdering his former girlfriend Kimberley Schroder in 1994 and was later a groomsman at David Bain's wedding after the pair served time in prison together. Seven years after his release, Wilson raped and murdered Nicole Tuxford in her Christchurch home on 7 April 2018.

Heartbroken by the news his daughter's murderer had killed again, Gary Schroder took his own life less than 72 hours later. Following Tuxford's murder, Tainui was identified as a criminal psychopath. However, testing in 2010 ahead of his parole failed to indicate psychopathy and found Tainui a low risk of reoffending.

Coroner Marcus Elliott held a joint inquest into the deaths of Nicole Tuxford and Gary Schroder, finding Corrections failed to identify the acute risk to Tuxford's life at the time of her death because of a systemic issue with the department's .