Nicole Kidman gave a surprising response when Victoria Beckham asked what car she drives during a discussion between the two for the latest issue of Vogue Australia . The Oscar-winning actress revealed she opts for a Subaru over the Lamborghini her husband, Keith Urban, bought her. “So here’s the thing.

My husband bought me a Lamborghini,” Kidman, 57, explained. “But I drive a Subaru and he drives the Lamborghini.” Beckham, 50, responded with a playful comment about Kidman in a luxury car, telling the actress: “I love the idea of Nicole Kidman pulling up somewhere and the car doors–because they’re the car doors that go up, right?” Although Kidman clarified that the Lamborghini is an SUV rather than a sports car, she explained it still suits Urban, 56, more.

“I think that’s why he bought it for me...

He loves fast cars, he loves any cars. That’s his thing,” the actress said. “He’s a Queensland boy, came from nothing.

Sort of the same thing as David [Beckham] where you go, ‘I’m going to build myself up and make myself who I am.’ Like you, like me. We’re self-made, all four of us, right?” Beckham agreed, noting the similarities between the country singer and her husband, former professional soccer star David Beckham.

“ David is very much the same as your husband. Obsessed. Cars and football,” said the fashion designer.

Kidman also expressed her gratitude for her 10-year relationship with Urban, describing him as her stability. “I’m .