Nicole Kidman thinks Stanley Kubrick was carefully “mining” her and Tom Cruise’s marriage for inspiration for his ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ film. The Oscar-winner, 57, starred alongside Tom, 62, in the 1999 movie, which saw her play the wife of Tom’s doctor character Bill Hartford, who sends him reeling when she tells him she fantasised about sleeping with another man, sparking his descent into a shady underworld of orgies and satanic-style rituals controlled by society’s most rich and powerful forces. Nicole – who married Tom nine years before the film came out and divorced him in 2001 – told the Los Angeles Times in an interview to mark the 25th anniversary of the film’s release when asked whether Stanley was taking inspiration from their marriage for the project: “I suppose he was mining it.

” She added: “There were ideas (Stanley) was interested in. He’d ask a lot of questions. But he had a strong sense of the story he was telling.

“I do remember him saying, ‘(Relationship) triangles are hard. You have to tread carefully when it’s a triangle’. “Because one person could feel ganged up on.

But he was aware of that and knew how to manage us.” Nicole stressed she never felt “ganged up on” as she and Tom had such different relationships with Stanley. She went on: “There’s something about being a woman in that equation, too.

And Stanley liked women. “He had a different relationship with Tom. They worked more closely together on his charac.