Pune/Kolhapur: The National Green Tribunal ( NGT ) bench in Pune on Friday directed the Satara district collector to furnish details of Ahmedabad-based GST commissioner Chandrakant Valvi's address so that the latter can be impleaded as a respondent in a proceeding over an alleged land grab near Mahabaleshwar that violates the Maharashtra Land Ceiling Act. The green tribunal's principal bench in New Delhi had taken suo motu cognisance of a newspaper report, "Gujarat GST Commissioner Grabs 620 Acres from Entire Village near Maharashtra's Mahabaleshwar," published on May 18 and had on July 4 transferred the matter to the Pune bench. The land in question is in Jhadani village near Mahabaleshwar in Satara district.

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB), the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), the ministry of environment, forest & climate change (MoEFCC), the state principal chief conservator of forest, and the Satara district collector have so far been named respondents in the matter. "We also find that the person against whom the allegations are made is the Gujarat GST commissioner, Chandrakant Valvi, whose name has not been impleaded as one of the respondents in the present original application, who appears to be a necessary party in this matter. Therefore, we direct the respondent no.

5 — district collector, Satara — to find out the correct address of the above-mentioned person and communicate the same to the registry of this tribunal, within a week, so that we .