If you have fantasised about ditching the nine-to-five grind for a life on the road, you are not alone. It’s all too easy to daydream of exploring the world while sitting in drawn-out meetings or facing the mountain that is your email inbox. Those more determined to jump ship won’t have to look far; Ngāi Tahu Tourism is recruiting for several roles from hiking guides to glacier guides.

The company has framed the jobs as chances to escape the corporate world and be free in the outdoors. “Ngāi Tahu Tourism invites you to swap your day’s glacial pace for days on Franz Josef Glacier - and that ongoing rush of emails for the rush of Dart River with some of its new job openings,” the provider said. One of the positions available is a hiking guide for the Hollyford Wilderness Experience, where the successful candidate will have the chance to explore the pristine natural areas of Fiordland National Park.
