By Karen Rubin, , You might reasonably question why New York State needs to vote in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment on the November ballot.

After all, we are considered a “Blue” state which has passed laws protecting women’s reproductive rights, and has stood firm on defending rights based on gender, race, ethnicity, and disability. That is in fact what New York Republicans are arguing – we don’t need an Equal Rights Amendment. Except that the last gubernatorial election – indeed, every election to decide control of the state legislature – shows how vulnerable are the rights we may naively take for granted.

The next governor could overturn what Governor Kathy Hochul has done to protect women – amassing abortion medication, requiring telemedicine, access to clinics, providing sanctuary for women living under their state’s ban – and Attorney General Letitia James’ ability to defend transgender athletes from Nassau County’s ban. But just this month, the Republican supermajority on the Nassau County Legislature rammed through a total ban on wearing a mask in public which discriminates and disadvantages the disabled community and racial groups too often targeted for unjust policing. In fact, over the past decade alone, state politicians have introduced 53 anti-abortion bills.

There is an alarming recognition that rights we take for granted are not secure. We have seen how stunningly easy it is to .