After living in my home for over 25 years I was told that the plants in my front yard were forbidden and I needed to immediately burn them to the ground. Imagine waking up one day to find out that your landscaping was forbidden in New York State. That's what happened to me after I discovered that the bushes in front of my home were on a list of banned plants.

According to a recent study by Lawn Love, New York is ranked second in the country when it comes to invasive plants and species . There are currently 50 terrestrial plants that are strictly forbidden by state officials, which means you can't purchase or plant them anywhere in New York. Among them are the bushes sitting in front of my house.

Forbidden Plants Discovered in Hudson Valley Yard Over two decades ago my wife and I were looking for a cheap and easy solution for our front yard landscaping. Our attempts at planting bushes were thwarted by hungry deer and our lack of a green thumb, leaving our home looking pretty pathetic. One fall evening we were driving past a local nursery and saw a sign advertising a plant sale.

We dug through the piles of potted shrubbery and found dozens of bushes that were labeled "deer resistant". These beautiful, red-leafed plants had sharp spikes on their branches to protect them from predators. We were told that the bushes were very resilient and would grow in almost any condition.

After seeing that they were just a few bucks each, we were sold and brought them home to plant in our yard..