What might look like a regular food truck is serving up more than lunch in Whitehorse this summer. The S.S.

Culinary is a new social enterprise run by the Yukon Literacy Coalition (YLC). It aims at providing employment skills training, as well as turning a profit to fund additional community-based programming. "A lot of programming or job placements generally start in the food industry," said the food truck's operations manager, Mark Steudle.

"So we thought it was a way that we can break into a market where we can offer employability skills in that specific industry, as well as teach them [participants] a little bit about entrepreneurship and owning their own business." The project stems from the YLC's Three for Change program, formed in conjunction with the N.W.

T. Literacy Council and Ilitaqsiniq (formerly known as Nunavut Literacy Council). The four-year program is aimed at developing and delivering skills-training opportunities, as well as developing social enterprises across the North.

"Hopefully we can travel to other parts of the Yukon as well," said S.S. Culinary's project manager, Nava Taghvai.

"We're just dipping our toes into the beginning of this." A learning endeavour Sihyeon Kim arrived in Canada six months ago from Korea, where he worked as a music composer. Kim is managing the S.

S. Culinary this summer, and believes the skills he has been developing in the truck could open the door to work in other industries. "I've been learning really a lot of things, because.