Tuesday, August 27, 2024 Travelers on the lookout for unique and unexpected adventures may soon find themselves stumbling upon extraordinary hidden treasures—gigantic trolls made from recycled materials, scattered across the United States and beyond. These awe-inspiring creations are the work of Danish artist Thomas Dambo, who has dedicated himself to transforming trash into monumental works of art that surprise and delight those who chance upon them. As these installations continue to pop up in various locations, they are not only providing unforgettable experiences for those who find them but also making a significant impact on the travel industry by drawing visitors to lesser-known areas.

The Art of Turning Trash Into Treasure Thomas Dambo’s journey of creating these colossal figures began in a city dump in Minnesota, where he encountered large yellow plastic bins discarded by a tool manufacturing company. Recognizing their potential, Dambo reached out to the company and requested the rest of the bins, which he described as “perfect for the rabbit” he envisioned. With these materials in hand, Dambo, along with a team of 300 volunteers, set out to build a massive outdoor public art installation in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

The result was nothing short of spectacular. Dambo and his volunteers crafted five enormous trolls, ranging from 16 to 42 feet tall, and a towering golden rabbit, complete with salvaged wiper-blade whiskers and motorcycle helmets for eyes. These i.