Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Airline lost your luggage? You're not alone. It’s a tale almost as old as flying itself. You check your luggage in at your departure airport expecting, entirely logically, to be reunited with it at your destination.
But alas, it’s not the case—the airline has misplaced it somewhere on route and the headache of finding your lost and unclaimed baggage starts to take hold. Lost luggage is one of the most cited concerns for fliers, to the degree that nowadays many opt to travel with carry-on baggs only. Indeed, charging for the privilege of taking your bags into the cabin with you has become a lucrative subset industry for the majority of modern airlines.
If you’re transiting on route through a secondary airport, the risk only grows as bags are transferred anonymously from plane to plane. Some airlines are taking new measures to combat the problem, such as United Airlines, which has integrated Apple's new Share Item Location feature for AirTag and other Find My enabled devices into its app, allowing them to find lost and unclaimed luggage more quickly and securely. But not all airlines are so proactive in finding and returning lost and unclaimed baggage.
To understand which airlines are the biggest offenders operating in the U.K. specifically, digital marketing agency Ink Digital has conducted research to analyze average monthly search volumes relating to lost luggage.
These search volumes were calculated and then ranke.