Virtually every parent of young children has experienced outbursts of anger and frustration from their toddlers, whether it’s time to get up, go to bed or eat a sandwich without the crusts cut off. The information you need to know, sent directly to you: Download the CTV News App According to a new study, there’s another possible reason for the frequency of their outbursts: tablet use. The new study , published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, shows that child tablet use at 3.

5 years old was associated with a higher number of expressions of anger and frustration a year later. In addition, children who were more prone to anger and frustration at 4.5 years old were more likely to have higher tablet use a year later (at 5.

5 years old). Early childhood tablet use “may contribute to a cycle” of problems in emotional regulation, the authors wrote. I wanted to get more context on this speaking with CNN wellness expert Dr.

Leana Wen. Wen is an emergency physician and adjunct associate professor at George Washington University and previously served as Baltimore’s health commissioner. Just as importantly, she is the mother of two young kids.

CNN: Most parents have experienced toddler meltdown after we take away tablets. What did this study find? Dr. Leana Wen: This study was a survey of 315 parents of preschool-aged children from Nova Scotia.

The same parents took part in the study when their kids were 3.5 years old (in 2020), 4.5 years old (in 2021) and 5.

5 years old (2022). T.