Children with special health care needs (CSHCN) often face significant disruptions in their education due to extended hospitalizations. A recent study published online in Disability and Rehabilitation on July 1, 2024, by a multidisciplinary team of Kessler Foundation and Children Specialized Hospital researchers, highlights critical areas needing attention to ensure smoother school re-entries for CSHCN, ensuring they receive the necessary educational support post-hospitalization. Involving parents, former patients, and rehabilitation professionals, the study underscores the need for better coordination and communication to facilitate seamless transitions back to school for CSHCN.

Titled Experiences of patients, parents, and healthcare professionals in the process of transitioning from hospital to community after inpatient pediatric rehabilitation among children with special health care needs (

2024.2362951 ), the article offers insights into the challenges and solutions for improving school re-entry for CSHCN. Foundation authors are Yu-Lun Chen, PhD, OTR/L; Stephanie Jimenez; Alexa Bartalotta; John O'Neill, PhD; and Amanda L.

Botticello, PhD, MPH. Claire M. Marchetta, MPH, is from Children's Specialized Hospital.

Semi-structured focus groups were conducted with parents (n = 12), former patients (n = 20), and rehabilitation professionals (n = 8). Through a detailed analysis of recurring themes, we identified three essential points to help achie.