Among the vastly different ways of tackling a disease, controlling the genetic expression of cells is undoubtedly one of the most powerful. Over the past few decades, scientists have come up with dozens of innovative strategies that involve using messenger RNA (mRNA) to 'force' cells to build specific proteins. These mRNA-based therapies have recently gained prominence as vaccines against infectious diseases like COVID-19.

Additionally, they hold significant potential for treating cancer and genetic disorders. Since mRNA itself is quite unstable and easily destroyed by enzymes in the body, mRNA-based therapies rely on drug delivery techniques; the core idea is to encapsulate and protect mRNA molecules within nanostructures that can safely get them inside the target cells. Today, the most explored mRNA nanocarriers are made of amine-bearing cationic lipids or polymers, which form small protective spheres that can diffuse into cells to release their cargo.

However, existing designs still face stability issues, which increases costs and leads to higher doses to get the desired effect. Against this backdrop, a research team from Japan explored an alternative to amine-based materials as mRNA nanocarriers. In their latest study that was published in Materials Horizons on 10 July 2024, the researchers investigated the potential of triphenyl phosphonium (TPP) as a replacement for the amine groups used as cations to form mRNA-loaded micelles.

"Phosphonium-based cations provide unique .