While stroke is the fifth-leading overall cause of death in the United States, it disproportionately impacts Hispanic people. It is the third leading cause of death among Hispanic women and the fourth leading cause of death among Hispanic men. According to the American Stroke Association, this disparity is driven by unmanaged health risk factors, limited access to health care, lower health literacy rates, cultural barriers and socioeconomic determinants of health.

The American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, is breaking through these barriers with the launch of a new culturally relevant Spanish language website, DerrameCerebral.org. The new website is specifically tailored to the Hispanic and Latino community, offering a digital series of games and activities, called the R.


D.O. Experience, designed to educate users on how to recognize the warning signs of a stroke.

It also provides accessible resources on stroke prevention, risk factors, warning signs, treatment and recovery, including life-saving information for survivors, caregivers and health care professionals. This new website is part of the continued efforts of the Association to provide a digital experience to all communities and championing better health outcomes for everyone, everywhere. When it comes to a stroke, every second counts.

By addressing the specific language needs of many in the Hispanic and Latino community, we are breaking a barrier that often stood in the way o.