New simple diet which prioritizes two food groups is king for weight loss, health IF YOU HAVE A HEALTH STORY WE'D LOVE TO HEAR IT. GET IN TOUCH HEALTH@DAILYMAIL.COM By Maiya Focht Health Reporter For Dailymail.

Com Published: 15:16, 22 August 2024 | Updated: 15:33, 22 August 2024 e-mail View comments The Mediterranean diet might get all the attention as the go-to for flexible dieters who are looking to lose weight. But a new diet promises to help you lose weight by focusing on just two nutrients - fiber and protein. Known as iDip - or by its less punchy name, the Individualized Diet Improvement Program - it helped almost half of participants shed 13 percent of their body weight in a new study, or up to 26 pounds.

Even better, they maintained that weight loss for a year after the trial. The Individualized Diet Improvement Program (iDip), created by researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, emphasized for its users to Just slashing your calories alone won't work, it leaves you starved of key nutrients and more likely to binge on foods and regain the weight, the study authors said. The amount of protein and fiber each person ate depended on their body weight and goals, but generally, saw them eating more fresh vegetables, oats and lean meats like fish and turkey.

Protein is the macronutrient that keeps you full for the longest - even more than fat and carbohydrates. The longer you stay full after a meal, generally, the less you eat overall. Fiber is a nutrient t.