Inappropriate prescription of an antirheumatic drug for an unsuitable patient can lead to severe side effects such as intestinal perforations, blood clots, heart failure, or liver damage. To address this issue, researchers from the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University and the Rheumatology Department at the University Clinic for Innovative Patient Pathways in Silkeborg have developed a comprehensive safety for the newer medications used in treating rheumatic diseases. "With the increasing number of medications on the market, it becomes more challenging for health care professionals to make prescriptions without risking serious side effects," explains Associate Professor Tue Wenzel Kragstrup, one of the researchers behind the study and article recently in the journal The article presents the checklist designed to help prevent patients from receiving medications they cannot tolerate.

"With over 20 antirheumatic drugs, each with up to 10 specific contraindications or precautions, there is an urgent need for advanced support tools to assist doctors and pharmacists in navigating the medical landscape," adds Tue Kragstrup. The checklist enables doctors to quickly determine if a patient has comorbidities that limit the use of certain medications. The principles can be applied across other disease areas This checklist is the first of its kind, created by analyzing all available patient information leaflets and international treatment guidelines in Europe and the U.

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