A Killeen nail salon has been approved to sell alcohol. Azura Nail Salon Bar, 1600 Lowes Blvd. Suite 800, had its zoning changed from a business district to a general business and alcohol sales district by a Killeen City Council ordinance on Tuesday.

Kim Pham, floor manager at Azura, said this change allows the business to begin selling alcohol. The ordinance was approved by a 6-1 vote at the council meeting. Councilmember Joseph Solomon was the lone dissenter.

A public hearing was held before the vote. The general manager of the salon advocated for approving the zoning change. He cited the business’s track record as a reason to approve the request.

Integrity Nail Salon, which is owned and managed by the same family that owns Azura, was approved to sell alcohol approximately two years ago. The general manager pointed to the fact that everything has gone smoothly at that location as a reason to approve this request. “We’ve had no issues,” he said.

A couple of citizens raised concerns at the meeting. Those were primarily centered on potential health and safety problems that could arise. Ramon Alvarez, councilmember, responded to those concerns.

He cited Bell County Public Health’s involvement in the process as evidence that any potential health concerns had been evaluated. With regards to the safety concerns and particularly the fact that children are often in close vicinity to the salon due to more child-friendly businesses being nearby, Alvarez responded by saying, .