A Laurentian University building that's been touted for its sustainable design is now also safer for the area's avian population. A new mural on the Vale Living With Lakes Centre helps make several windows on the building visible to birds so they don't crash into the glass and die. "It's a mural about the bird clans of this region," said second-year master's student Sam Barry, the mural's creator.

"So because we're on Anishinabek land, I wanted to acknowledge the Bird Clan teachings that I received. So we have the crane, the eagle and the loon." Barry also tried to place the birds in a way that communicated their teachings of honesty, hope and love, they explained.

New mural at Living With Lakes Centre aims to prevent bird strikes 11 minutes ago Duration 1:05 Two-spirit artist Sam Barry shows us their mural at Laurentian University’s Vale Living With Lakes Centre. The artwork is meant to deter birds from hitting the windows. It was funded through Laurentian’s Environmental Stewardship Committee and Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury.

Barry painted the mural in white to make it easy for birds to see it. Barry, a two-spirit queer artist, has been creating art since they were a child, encouraged by their mother. They took art classes in high school, then got a commission painting a mural for Laurentian Pride.

"It kind of went from there," they said. "I have some community contracts now. And yeah.

And then I was asked to do this one." A great way to save birds and money The cha.