Actor Yami Gautam is gearing up to regain her fitness after embracing motherhood. The new mom, who welcomed her first child with husband Aditya Dhar in May, is hitting the gym to get back in shape. Also read : Yami Gautam gets emotional as father wins his first National Film Award: ‘Your family is proud of you, papa’ Fitness mode on On Tuesday, Yami took to Instagram Stories to share a gym selfie, signalling her mission to get fit again.

She shared a picture of herself at the gym, captioning it "Time to get fit.” Yami is seen wearing comfortable black workout attire as she poses in the mirror in front of the dumbbells. The actor, known for her roles in Vicky Donor and Uri: The Surgical Strike, has been focusing on motherhood since the arrival of her baby.

Now, she is on her way to getting fit. Yami becomes a mommy Yami welcomed her son on May 10. Yami and Aditya shared the news through an Instagram post, saying they have named him, Vedavid .

They made a collaborative post with a note that read, “We are thrilled to announce the arrival of our beloved son, Vedavid, who graced us with his birth on the auspicious day of Akshay Tritya. Please shower him with all your kind blessings and love”. “As we embark on this beautiful journey of parenthood, we eagerly anticipate the bright future that awaits our son.

With every milestone he achieves, we are filled with the hope and belief that he will grow to become a beacon of pride for our entire family as well as our beloved n.