The Gulf House Restaurant in Madison Square, off Duke Street, has been designed to look like a traditional 70s’ souk in Dubai, complete with terracotta mud-effect walls, Arabic script decoration and woven rugs and furniture. Although there are tables and chairs, in some areas guests will take off their shoes as they enter before sitting on the floor to enjoy an authentic spiced-filled sharing feast; and being played throughout the restaurant will be the earthy-sounding music of the Arab world. The Gulf House Restaurant (Image: The Gulf House Restaurant) The team behind the restaurant is excited about this latest offering to the city which they say is the first of its kind in the UK.

A restaurant spokesperson said: “We have recreated all those magical memories from holidays and trips to the Middle East, so that the minute you walk through the door it’s like you’ve left Liverpool behind and entered a whole new world. The Gulf House Restaurant (Image: The Gulf House Restaurant) “People don’t just want to dine today, they want an experience, and we can guarantee to give them a wonderful one. “Many people travel to Dubai and wonder what it used to look like before the high-rise luxury buildings and designer shops – and this is what they would have found 50 years ago, and still in some places today.

“It’s like walking into a ‘70s souk, or market, complete with everything that you’d see and hear there, from the music to the woven rugs and baskets, and the ama.