A CONCERNING new coronavirus with pandemic potential has been detected in minks, according to new research. During investigations at fur farms in China, scientists discovered a new bat virus called HKU5 in the lungs of minks that had died from a pneumonia outbreak. 3 A new camel flu-like virus has been found in dead minks Credit: Shutterstock 3 The bug is believed to have originated from bats Credit: Getty While it's challenging to predict which viruses may jump from animals to humans—known as zoonotic diseases —viruses that spread between animals present a serious risk.

"If viruses are able to jump big evolutionary distances, it suggests they can replicate in different cell types. That is a risk,” study author, Prof Eddie Holmes, a virologist at the University of Sydney, said. “HKU5 needs to go on a watchlist immediately.

It is absolutely a red flag,” he told the AFP. "Personally, I think the fur farming industry globally should be closed down," he added. Read more on viral bugs BUG BEAR Map reveals 'world's deadliest infectious disease' hotspots as UK has resurgence VITAL PROTECTION 'World's most infectious disease' breakthrough could wipe it out for good HKU5 is a relative of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus ( MERS ), also called camel flu, which can be deadly to humans.

Thousands of unknown viruses are believed to be circulating among wild mammals. Scientists fear that fur farms could allow farmed animals to catch such viruses, which could in tur.