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It has been an important few weeks in Helldivers 2, with Super Earth and really putting a dent in their resources and stronghold in the galaxy. Now, it is time to turn our attention to the Terminids once again to prevent them from expanding while we focus on the robot army. A new Major Order has begun, which directs players to the Terminids.

Upon loading the game, a new briefing has been given, which calls for the extermination of the Terminids to analyze E-710 production. “Following the Helldivers’ inspiringly rapid support of the Terminid Research Initiative, the Ministry of Science has requested a second, much larger research trial. A key finding of the first research phase was that Terminid E-710 yield is significantly increased if harvested following periods of extreme duress.

In order to determine if there is a relationship between method of extermination and E-710 production, the Ministry of Science has requested that the Terminids be exterminated using a variety of means. High Command has authorized a rotating series of augmenting Stratagems for the duration of this trial, in support of scientific progress. Be advised: Terminid aggression and expansion may increase in response to these efforts.

” Players have been tasked with eradicating 1 billion Terminids from the galaxy. Surprisingly, the community is only 6% done with the Maj.