HBO announced the launch of a new game show that centers around the hit sitcom, “Friends,” in a press release Monday. “Fast Friends” is slated as a four-part game show that will be conducted as a fast-paced competition held on the show’s sets, according to the statement “From racing through Rachel and Monica’s apartment to darting across Joey and Chandler’s bachelor pad and grabbing a coffee at Central Perk, fans will re-live their favorite moments while being put to the test with trivia, puzzles, and games that will keep even the most die-hard FRIENDS fans on their toes,” the statement read. “Friends” fans will get a dose of nostalgia knowing that “the quickest team will win the title of Ultimate Friends Fan.

” 385848 16: Actors, left to right; David Schwimmer as Ross Geller, Matthew Perry as Chandler Bing and Matt LeBlanc as Joey Tribbiani star in NBC’s comedy series “Friends” episode “The One Where Chandler Doesn”t Like Dogs.” It’s Thanksgiving, and Ross competes to prove that he, unlike everyone else, can successfully name all 50 states. (Photo by Warner Bros.

Television) “Fast Friends” aligns with the 30th anniversary of the hit show that has continued to take audiences by storm through streaming and syndication. The new game show will be released by Warner Bros. Unscripted Television and production is set to begin in October at The Friends Experience: The One in New York City.

L-R: Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox sit in a ho.