The new energy-saving incentive challenges customers to shift some electricity usage away from weekday peak hours. EDF is supercharging Sundays with free electricity for customers who sign up to its ‘Sunday Saver’ challenge as a reward for using less electricity during peak times. The new money and energy-saving incentive challenges customers to shift some of their electricity use away from weekday peak hours (4pm - 7pm)[i] to earn free hours of electricity the following Sunday.

For example, customers who use 10 per cent less electricity during the peak hours can get four hours of free electricity on a Sunday, however, the more electricity customers shift, the more ‘free’ electricity they can earn. Challenges will take place monthly and start on the first Monday of the month. A 10 per cent reduction in peak consumption would earn four hours of free electricity, a 20 per cent reduction earns eight hours, 30 per cent earns 12 hours and, for the super savers, using 40 per cent less earns 16 hours of free electricity on a Sunday.

This latest challenge follows a trial of ‘Sunday Saver’ where 98 per cent of participants earned four hours or more of free electricity on Sundays at least once. Among those who participated in every challenge, 88 per cent earned 16 hours or more of free electricity in at least one month, with participants collectively accumulating a total of 39,624 free hours over the last five months. Research conducted by EDF has shown strong support from .