3D generated image of DNA spiral being attacked by monkeypox Virus. Uma Shankar Sharma | Moment | Getty Images Countries in Asia have ramped up precautions after cases of the new and deadlier strain of mpox, known as Clade 1b, was recently found outside the African continent. At least four countries have recently reported mpox cases outside the African continent — Thailand, Philippines , Sweden and Pakistan .

Thailand Thailand, which confirmed its first case of the strain on Thursday, will tighten surveillance and screening measures at its international airports. Travelers from countries experiencing mpox outbreaks must register on the health ministry's online platform before departing for Thailand and will be required to undergo health screening upon arrival. Visitors found exhibiting mpox symptoms will be quarantined.

Those arriving from countries with outbreaks will be checked for rashes and have their temperatures scanned. The government has also prepared a quarantine facility in the event of a widespread outbreak. Thailand's first and only Clade 1b strain so far was found in a 66-year-old European man who arrived from Africa.

Singapore Singapore stepped up its mpox precautionary measures on Thursday. Temperature and visual screening will be implemented for inbound travelers and crew arriving from flights to certain airports, said the country's Ministry of Health. Travelers who have rash, fever or other mpox symptoms will be referred for medical assessment.

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