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Behaviour Interactive’s hotly anticipated release of its new DBD 2v8 mode was quickly met with plenty of fanfare—at least for the first few hours. Then, following plenty of experimentation by both killers and survivors, players favoring the game’s ragtag group of villains figured out an easy way to win the game using a classic but infamous strategy: slugging. For those unfamiliar, slugging in Dead by Daylight refers to downing survivors and leaving them on the floor to bleed out instead of hooking them.

Now, in regular 1v4 scenarios, slugging often isn’t ideal because you can easily get looped for minutes while other survivors pick up their downed teammate. However, in , it’s much easier because you can end chases quicker with two killers gunning after a single survivor. And, unsurprisingly, complaints have begun popping up on Reddit because of this issue.

Over the past 24 hours, images, like one from user aterenx, showing all eight survivors downed simultaneously, have been shared on the DBD subreddit. Some, like user , suggested that Bill Overbeck’s perk, Unbreakable, should be part of the base survivor kit in 2v8 to discourage killers from slugging as much as possible. Of course, this seems unlikely since it would give one side too much of an advantage and would make the already outnumbered killers have to work even more for a .