I'd like to think that I know our county pretty well but 237?! As most British folk usually do when faced with momentous decisions, I flicked on the kettle. Once armed with a strong brew I took myself off to my favourite spot in the garden under the apple tree, opened up my notebook and got to thinking about where we've taken the kids over the years. The list began with iconic entries; my mind focused on those landmarks which stirred memories of family picnics and sunny days: Glastonbury Tor, Burrow Mump, Deer Leap, Dunkery Beacon, Wellington Monument.

Then I thought about all the customs that make our county so truly unique and wassailing, morris dancers & mummers and the Minehead Hobby Horse joined the page. With my mind skipping through the seasons and acknowledging that our county is so connected to the land, I soon found my pencil flying across the paper as more and more of our cultural activities joined the collection; have you collected whortleberries on Exmoor? Followed a willow trail on the Levels? Joined a punkie night procession in South Somerset? A look into our history unveiled many more family outing ideas, jumping on board a replica Viking ship at the Avalon Marshes is exciting, as is playing soldiers on the coast at Brean Down Fort. Climbing up the 205 steps of King Alfred's Tower to feel super tall, or defending your own castle at Nunney are both key day trips too.

As my list grew in to double figures not only did I know that I'd be thrilled to write this, my.