By Daniel Shin Daniel Shin Existential risk in association with AI refers to the potential for advanced artificial intelligence systems to cause severe harm or even lead to human extinction. This risk arises from scenarios where AI systems, especially those with artificial general intelligence (AGI) or superintelligence, might act in ways that are misaligned with human values or beyond human control. It’s a complex and widely debated topic, with some experts advocating for stringent regulations and others emphasizing the potential benefits of AI advancements.

What does that really mean to us personally and practically? Does AI pose several potential threats to human life, ranging from immediate risks to long-term existential dangers? 2024 is the biggest election year in history. Voting has taken or will take place in 2024 in countries including the U.S.

, India, Russia, Iran, Pakistan, Mexico and so forth. We’re halfway through while a total of 76 countries are scheduled to hold elections this year. Hence, misinformation and manipulation deserve scrutiny because AI can generate and spread misinformation at an unprecedented scale during the election year, undermining trust in information sources and destabilizing societies.

AI can be used to manipulate individuals’ behavior and opinions through targeted advertising and social media algorithms. We’ve already seen several major elections where social media platforms played a pivotal role as social media has already become.