An American neurosurgeon shared an extraordinary experience, where he claims to have journeyed to the afterlife during a coma. Adopted as a child, he only later learned he had a biological sister, Betsy, but it was too late to meet her as she had passed away. Dr.

Eben Alexander had always been sceptical about spiritual experiences, believing out-of-body and near- death encounters to be brain-related hallucinations. However, everything changed when he fell into a deep coma caused by a severe bacterial meningitis infection. His brain completely shut down, with no signs of activity.

Yet, despite this, his consciousness continued. During his seven-day coma, Alexander describes travelling through different realms, eventually reaching a heavenly place. He encountered vivid landscapes, animals and even a guide, a beautiful woman, who made him feel immense love and peace.

This journey, he says, was not a dream or hallucination but a real experience beyond the physical world. “There are medical records for every minute of my coma, and none of them show any indication of brain activity. In other words, as far as neuroscience can say, my journey was not something happening inside my head,” the Daily Mail quoted Alexander as saying in his book, Extracted from Map of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon Explores the Mysteries of the Afterlife & The Truth About What Lies Beyond.

“There were trees, fields, animals and people. There was water , too, flowing in rivers or descending as rain. Mists ros.