Car enthusiasts are mourning a cherished member of their crew. Rob “The Rabbit” Pitts , star of Netflix’s Tex Mex Motors , died on Aug. 25 at the age of 45 after a brief battle with stomach cancer, his colleague shared.

“I am with him now in Hospice. He just passed,” Pitts’ videographer Jeff Trahan confirmed on the car expert’s YouTube page. “He will be missed and we will never forget him!” On the day of his death, Pitts uploaded a final video to his YouTube channel titled “This Is Goodbye,” describing his cancer journey, which began when he started to feel “off” in November 2023 after an automotive show in Las Vegas.

“I was losing weight,” Pitts wrote in the all-text video. “But I was getting ready to film Season 2 of Tex Mex Motors for Netflix, and wanted to be camera ready, so I didn’t mind that so much. During filming, I started to lose my appetite, and had more and more acid reflux-like symptoms.

” After a few trips to urgent care facilities where his immediate symptoms were addressed, his friend encouraged him to seek more serious help. “My castmate and ‘set mom,’ Jaime , finally took me to the ER thinking I had gallbladder issues,” the reality TV star continued. “It was there at the end of March I was diagnosed with stomach cancer.

” Despite describing a difficult treatment journey following his diagnosis, Pitts highlighted the positivity he had experienced in his life during his farewell message. “Don’t be sad for me..
