The fourth season of Netflix's Emily in Paris , premiering Thursday has sparked a range of critical responses , from scathing criticism to modest praise. The show, starring Lily Collins as Emily Cooper , an American marketing executive in Paris, continues to divide opinion after a two-year hiatus. Several critics have harshly criticized the new season.

Bianca Censori wears thong playsuit as North West 'scolds paparazzi' Bianca Censori’s face covered completely in hosiery has fans concerned Leila Latif of The Guardian called it a "televisual black hole" and "devoid of plot, charisma and intrigue." Latif added, "In every episode, she has to use her talent and sunny disposition to ensure social media strategies are executed with aplomb. To say that this is as thrilling as watching paint dry would be a disservice to the many excellent shades of paint.

" Pat Stacey from the Irish Independent described the show's portrayal of Paris as "a theme park version of the City of Light." Stacey noted: "If this were the real Paris rather than a theme park version, Emily would get on everyone's nerves. Instead, they all find her cute and adorable.

Irresistible, too. Men fall at her feet on every street corner." Some reviewers, while acknowledging the show's flaws, suggested a different perspective.

Joel Golby from The Guardian wrote: "The point of Emily in Paris is that it isn't for me – it's not even particularly for people who are sitting upright – and once you see through all of that,.