Fans of Buying Beverly Hills are locked in debate after Netflix decided to axe the luxe real-estate reality series following its second season, which aired in March. Deadline has reported that the plug was pulled due to the figures not adding up, with viewing numbers unable to justify the hefty production expenses. Set in the glitzy world of high stakes property deals, Buying Beverly Hills follows Mauricio Umansky and his squad at The Agency as they hustle through the ups and downs of selling prime Beverly Hills estates, all while juggling personal relationships, romantic entanglements and explosive cast drama.

Season two threw a spanner in the works with the introduction of Mauricio's daughter, Sophia Umansky, into The Agency mix, much to the dismay of the established agents. Over on Reddit, fans haven't held back. One criticized: "NGL, it was insufferable to watch nepo babies swan around in designer clothes while they pretend to work," reports OK! .

Another chimed in with support, questioning: "Wait, am I crazy that I didn't hate the show and enjoyed watching this? I was looking forward to more." Echoing this sentiment, another user hinted at hope for the show's future, posting: "Same here! I really liked it. I wonder if there's any chance they get picked up by another network?".

Meanwhile, a less impressed viewer admitted: "It was pretty boring so not surprised." The controversy has sparked renewed conversation on nepotism, especially given Mauricio's elder daughters, Farr.