Netflix fans are still discovering the series considered to be the longest-running live-action sitcom of all time after it first aired back in 2005. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, which has been going for a staggering 16 seasons, has aired a total of 170 episodes during its run. Amazingly the comedy show, which first aired on FX almost two decades ago, shows no signs of slowing down and has been renewed for at least another two seasons.

It’s Always Sunny was conceived of by Welcome to Wrexham’s Rob McElhenney, and co-created with fellow writers and co-stars Charlie Day and Glenn Howerton. The three actors star together in the sitcom alongside Hollywood legend Danny DeVito - and Kaitlin Olson, who married McElhenney after filming the show’s fourth season. Even though the show has been around for almost 20 years, it continues to pick up fans on Netflix all the time thanks to its hilariously dysfunctional characters and bizarre storylines.

The sitcom is deeply satirical with a dark and self-deprecating tone, and one of its best strengths is that it constantly pushes boundaries and experiments with its storytelling. The show is primarily set in an Irish bar called Paddy’s and features some of the worst people in Philadelphia constantly pursuing various self-serving schemes and getting involved in some truly unhinged antics. One of It’s Always Sunny’s most famous episodes is The Nightman Cometh, which sees Charlie Kelly (Charlie Day) compose a whole rock opera pe.