The eagerly-awaited live-action adaptation of classic Argentine sci-fi story The Eternaut (El Eternauta) is now available for a first look. On Thursday, Netflix released the first teaser trailer of the iconic 1950s graphic novel about an alien invasion in Buenos Aires. The streaming platform released the trailer during the fourth Geeked Week, Netflix’s exclusive event in Atlanta, which ran September 16–19.

The series is scheduled to arrive on Netflix in 2025. The Eternaut story kicks off when a strange snow begins falling in Buenos Aires, killing everything it touches in an instant. Survivors must suit up in gas masks and layers to stave off death and fight an increasingly violent unseen force that’s trailing their every move.

One of the survivors, a man named Juan Salvo, emerges as the leader of the resistance against an imperceivable threat. Based on the eponymous graphic novel by Héctor Germán Oesterheld and Francisco Solano López, the six-episode series was created and directed by Bruno Stagnaro ( Okupas ) and co-written by Stagnaro and writer-actor Ariel Staltari ( Un Gallo para Esculapio ). A Netflix production alongside Argentina’s K&S Films, The Eternaut features a cast studded with Argentine stars, including Ricardo Darín, together with Carla Peterson ( Blondi ), César Troncoso ( Yosi, the Regretful Spy ), Andrea Pietra ( An Unexpected Love ), and Marcelo Subiotto ( Puan ).

The Eisner Award–winning graphic novel was originally published in install.