Netflix is set to release the crime thriller Sector 36 on September 13, marking the directorial debut of Aditya Nimbalkar. The film, inspired by true events, looks at the mysterious disappearance of children from a local slum and follows a police officer’s intense investigation into a sinister series of crimes. Produced by Dinesh Vijan’s Maddock Films and Jio Studios, Sector 36 features actors Vikrant Massey and Deepak Dobriyal and explores themes of power, crime, and social inequality, as the protagonist battles a cunning serial killer while uncovering harrowing secrets that challenge societal norms.

Unexplained disappearances, a deadly chase, and the dark truth. The incredible Vikrant Massey and Deepak Dobriyal star in this chilling crime-thriller, inspired by true events. Sector 36 coming on 13th September, only on Netflix.

#Sector36 #Sector36OnNetflix Dinesh Vijan, producer at Maddock Films, expressed enthusiasm about the project, stating, “We are excited to work with Netflix again and on a story like Sector 36 that is an intensely sensory film.

For us, it’s a story that we felt was crucial to be told. The film is layered, delving deeply into the human psyche, exploring the hunter and the hunted, the haves and the have-nots. Vikrant Massey and Deepak Dobriyal deliver outstanding performances, and we couldn’t be prouder of their work.

” Ruchikaa Kapoor Sheikh, Director of Original Films at Netflix India, praised the film’s impact, sa.