Shark Tank India, since its inception in 2021, has been a topic of discussion. The show, which welcomes budding entrepreneurs across India, for investment, is in its third season now. The judges (or investors), who have revolutionised the map of Indian startups over the years are the judges of the show.

Be it boAT co-founder Aman Gupta or Lenskart’s Peyush Bansal, the founders have made it their way to the top with hard work and are now worth crores. One such judge, who’s been an active one in the show since its beginning, is Emcure India’s Namita Thapar. She’s the executive director of Emcure Pharmaceuticals Limited, an international pharmaceutical company.

She’s also the founder and CEO of Incredible Ventures Limited. With all her success, Namita owns properties worth crores of rupees. Apart from judging the show and running Emcure, Namita often grabs headlines for her extravagant spending habits, like buying expensive shoes and slippers.

Namita’s fellow judge on Shark Tank India, Amit Jain, once revealed that she wore shoes worth Rs 20 lakh on the show. She also has a collection of luxurious bungalows and fancy cars. Her car collection includes expensive cars like a BMW X7 worth Rs 2 crores, a Mercedes-Benz GLE and an Audi Q7.

It’s estimated that Namita’s net worth is around Rs 600 crore. She lives with her family in Pune. Her luxurious bungalow, spanning 5000 square feet, is worth Rs 50 crore.

Namita is married to Vikas Thapar, a businessman and they have .